The Reward For Being Patient Upon the Demise of A Beloved Part 2

Sayyidunā ʾAbū Mūsā ʾAshʿarī رضي الله عنه narrated that the Noble Prophet ﷺ said:

“When someone’s child passes away, Allāh Taʿālā asks His angels: ‘Have you taken the soul of my servant’s child?’ The angels reply: ‘Yes.’ Allāh Taʿālā then asks: ‘Have you taken the fruit (apple) of my servant’s heart?’ The angels reply: ‘Yes.’ Allāh Taʿālā thereafter asks: ‘[Ok!] So what did my servant say?’ The angels reply: ‘O Allāh Taʿālā! This servant praised You and exclaimed: ‘Innā lillāhi wa innā ilayhi rājiʿūn’ (To Allāh we belong and to Him is our return).’ Allāh Taʿālā says: ‘Build a house in Jannah for My servant and name this house ‘Baytul Ḥamd’ (The House of Praise).’” [Jāmiʿ Tirmidhī #1021]


Look at the tremendous reward he received! The point to marvel at here is how [deep a] connection this servant has with Allāh Taʿālā! On such an occasion, a person becomes hysterical, laments, wails and complains. Although Allāh Taʿālā is fully aware of everything, He still asks the angels what occurred and what the servant verbally uttered. It becomes known that these circumstances which people are faced with are tests from Allāh Taʿālā. A Lover tests His beloved and a Beloved tests His lover. When a servant proclaims his ʾīmān, Allāh Taʿālā tests him through such circumstances, and He knows what he said. However, Allāh wants to openly praise His servant before the angels.

These are the same angels who said when human beings were created: “Are You creating such human beings on the face of the earth who will shed blood and spread corruption?”  {Al-Baqarah: 30} It is mentioned in a Pure Ḥadīth: “Whenever a servant [of Allāh] does a righteous deed, Allāh Taʿālā asks the angels: ‘You used to say that they will spread corruption. What happened to your claim?’”

When a child’s soul is extracted, Allāh Taʿālā asks that same angel who extracted the soul: “You extracted the soul of a piece of My servant’s heart, so what did he say?” The angels testify [to the servant’s statement]. It is as though their testimony is recorded. Otherwise, Allāh Taʿālā is aware of everything. However, He prompts them to say it to establish an evidence and proof against them. So, they reply: “O Allāh Taʿālā! He did not complain at all and he remained content upon Your decree and He praised You.” Allāh Taʿālā commands for a house to be made for him in Jannah which is named ‘Baytul Ḥamd’ (The House of Praise).

Propagate These Teachings

If at every juncture, we reflect on all these teachings of the Noble Prophet ﷺ , then when we are faced with such circumstances, hardships, calamities and are tested in various ways, the opportunity of the wailing, lamentations and complaints which we usually witness on such occasions would never arise. On such an occasion, this ḥadīth of the Noble Prophet ﷺ would be present in our minds and if we practise upon it with conviction, Allāh Taʿālā will deal with us in the best of ways.

Consider the incident of Sayyidatunā ʾUmm Salamah رضي الله عنها. She was a woman. However, the Prophet ﷺ taught her to recite this when a calamity befalls. [If recited, then] you will be rewarded by Allāh Taʿālā and will also be granted something better in exchange. Accordingly, she recited this duʿāʾ with conviction. She thereafter said that Allāh Taʿālā granted me a better husband than him in the form of the Noble Prophet ﷺ.

Nevertheless, primarily, the deficiency and weakness are on our part; we are unaware of these teachings of the Prophet ﷺ. We do not even know them. It is imperative to practise upon these teachings in every circumstance. In no circumstance has the Prophet ﷺ left us alone without any direction. What must be done in every circumstance is present.  Now, it is our weakness and ignorance that we are completely unaware of these teachings. Consequently, we become preoccupied with lamenting, wailing and complaining, thereby harming our own selves.

Thus, upon hearing all these points, we must note them and remember them. We must inform others and spread it. Nowadays, all of this has been abandoned in our society. In the ancient times, this tradition was alive-whenever a specific matter would occur, the elders would inform the others regarding what should be read and done on such an occasion.

However nowadays, those that have the knowledge are not willing to teach others. It is essential to propagate these teachings within every household. When such a circumstance arises, if incorrect practices are occurring, one must immediately direct him towards the teachings of the Noble Prophet ﷺ and say: ‘This is the Prophet’s ﷺ teaching. Thus, say this [instead].’ Thereafter, observe what a tremendous impact this will have!

Hazrat Muftī Aḥmed Khānpūrī Ṣāḥib حفظه الله ونفعنا بعلومه وفيوضه وصحبته

Dars Riyāḍuṣ Ṣāliḥīn Vol.10 Pg.305-308 by Hazrat Muftī Aḥmed Khānpūrī Ṣāḥib حفظه الله ونفعنا بعلومه وفيوضه وصحبته ]

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