Which Country’s Date Is Taken into Consideration When a Person Appoints Someone in Another Country to Perform His ʾUḍḥiyah On His Behalf?

If a person appoints someone in another country as his wakīl (representative) to fulfill the obligation of ʾuḍḥiyah on his behalf, the time at which the animal is slaughtered will be based on the time of the place where the animal is being slaughtered.

However, with regards to the date on which the animal is slaughtered, the date of the country of (the owner,) the person whose sacrifice is being done will be considered.

This is because the cause for the obligation of sacrifice is having the ability to sacrifice an animal on 10th Dhul Ḥijjah at ṣubaḥ ṣādiq (true dawn). This is connected to the person himself. After the cause for wujūb is found, when should this sacrifice be fulfilled? This is connected to the animal. The time of the place where the animal is being slaughtered will be considered. If it is in the city, its sacrifice will be permissible only after the ʿEīd Ṣalāh. If it is in the village, the sacrifice will also be valid if it is done after ṣubaḥ ṣādiq.

This masʾalah can be understood in the following manner:

Roots/Foundation: The Obligation of Sacrifice on the person who has the ability to sacrifice.

Branches/Walls: The place where the Qurbānī is being carried out.

If the roots do not exist yet, how can a ruling [of validity] be passed on to the branches?

[If it is not true dawn of Eid day for the owner as yet, then qurbani is not wajib on him. So how can we say his animal’s sacrifice is valid because it is in another country where Eid has started? The branches cannot come before the roots.][1]

Important Note:

There are two scenarios to this ruling:

  • The person who appoints someone as a wakīl (representative) to offer the sacrifice on his behalf is from a country where the date is ahead.

For example: A person living in Saudi Arabia [when Eid was before India] appoints someone in India to offer his sacrifice on his behalf. The ruling in such a scenario is clear. The sacrifice will not be valid until ṣubaḥ ṣādiq of the 10th of Dhul Ḥijjah in India because the condition for fulfilling this obligation is not found.

In this scenario, only the place where the animal is being slaughtered will be taken into consideration.

  • The person who appoints someone as a wakīl (representative) to offer the sacrificle on his behalf is from a country where the date is behind.

For example: A person living in India [when Eid was after Saudi Arabia] appoints someone in Saudi Arabia to offer his sacrifice on his behalf. The obligation of sacrifice will not be fulfilled in Saudi Arabia until it is ṣubaḥ ṣādiq of the 10th of Dhul Ḥijjah in India because the sabab-e-wujūb (cause for the obligation) is not found before ṣubaḥ ṣādiq and this is considered as the aṣl (primary cause) of this ruling.

After a complete study of all the juzʾiyāt (branched out masāʾil), this appears to be the preferred opinion. The opinion of some respected muftis who take into consideration the [date and time of the] place of the sacrifice in all cases, is not correct and cannot be applied in its generality across all scenarios.

[Kitābul Masāʾil by Muftī Salman Mansūrpūrī حفظه الله 2/301-302]

[1] All information in [] are added by the Translator for the purpose of elucidation.

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