Maʿqil ibn Yasār رضي الله عنه narrated that I heard the Noble Prophet ﷺ saying: “A servant who has been appointed as a leader over his subjects (as has been mentioned previously this is with regards to all those who are under one’s authority-it applies to one who is the head of a house, an entire family, an entire village or an entire area) and he dies in such a state that he acted maliciously to those under his authority or he wished evil for them instead of wishing well for them, then Allāh Taʿālā will deem Jannah forbidden for him.”
Islām has outlined rights which the leaders have over their subjects as will be mentioned in the following chapter that they must completely obey them. However, when the subjects completely obey them, yet the leaders wish evil for their subjects instead of wishing well for them and they choose a certain thing for them despite being fully aware that it is harmful to them for their personal interests, then Allāh has deemed Jannah forbidden for such a person.
In another narration, it is stated: He did not sincerely do go good for him entirely. Meaning, he did not take his interest into consideration as he should have. He was deficient in that regard. For example, he did feed and clothe him, however, he did not teach him good manners. He did not beautify him with good character. He did not educate him in his Dīn. He could attain the world, he could be given academic degrees. However, he did not teach him the things which attain Allāh’s pleasure. He did not teach him how to perform ṣalāh. Thus, it is apparent that he has been deficient in being a well-wisher for him. Such a person will not even smell the fragrance of Jannah,
In one narration, it is stated: A ruler who is responsible for the matters of the Muslims but he does not look after their welfare completely but rather, he is deficient in that regard, he will not enter Jannah initially due to his sins. He will enter Jannah after facing the punishment of his deficiency and deception. Yes, if he sincerely took care of their interest to the best of his ability and there was no deficiency on his part, he will be absolved from his responsibility. This is why a position of authority, leadership and high status is not an easy matter.
The person whose responsibility is one and a quarter,
His problems are one and a quarter.
The higher the rank and position, the greater the responsibility. If he is deficient in this regard, in this world people will also condone and criticize him and he will also have to answer to Allāh Taʿālā in the hereafter.
[Ḥadīth ke Iṣlāḥī Maḍāmīn –Dars Riyāḍuṣ Ṣāliḥīn 9/57-58
by Hazrat Muftī Aḥmed Khānpūrī Ṣāḥib حفظه الله ونفعنا بعلومه وفيوضه وصحبته ]