Jannah is Prohibited on Opressive Leaders:They Will Not Smell the Fragrance of Jannah Part 1

Maʿqil ibn Yasār رضي الله عنه narrated to ʿAbdullāh ibn Ziyād who came to visit hm during his fatal illness: “I am reporting to you a narration I heard from the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ. I heard Nabī ﷺ saying: “Any slave who has been appointed by Allāh as a leader of his subjects and he does not protect them [and deal with their issues] in good will, will not smell the fragrance of Paradise.” [Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī #7150]

Maʿqil ibn Yasār رضي الله عنه narrated that he heard the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ saying: “Any slave who has been appointed by Allāh as a leader over his subjects from among the Muslims and he dies while deceiving them, Allāh will deem Paradise ḥarām (forbidden) for him.” [Ṣaḥīḥ Bukhārī #7151] [Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim #172]


Ibn Baṭ‏ṭāl رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ commented: “This is a severe warning to oppressive leaders. Whoever ruins, deceives or oppresses those whom Allāh has given them authority over, then indeed, on the Day of Resurrection, the cases of the oppression of the slaves will be directed towards Him. So then how is it possible for him to free himself from the oppression of a large nation?”

‘Allāh will deem Paradise forbidden for him,’ means that Allāh will carry out the punishment against him and the oppressed will not be pleased with him.

Ibn Tīn رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ also mentioned something similar, and he also stated: “It is possible that this is regarding the disbeliever because a believer would surely be a well-wisher.” I [Ḥāfiẓ Ibn Ḥajar رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ] say: “This is a far-fetched possibility and erroneous explanation as sometimes even a disbeliever becomes a well-wisher to those who he has been given authority over. His disbelief does not inhibit this.”

Others have mentioned that this is referring to those who regard this [i.e., deceiving his subjects] as permissible. It is better to apply it to those who do not deem such an act permissible as reprimanding and warning are intended by the ḥadīth.

In the narration of Muslim, it is mentioned that ‘he will not enter Paradise with them.’ This supports the meaning that he will not enter Paradise at a particular time (but will enter) at another.

Allāh granted him authority over His slaves so that he could be a constant source of fulfilling their interest and so that he does not deceive them in such a way that he dies in that state. So when he reverses the matter, he deserves to be punished.

He is deceptive by oppressing them, seizing their wealth, shedding their blood, violating their honour, depriving them of their rights, abandoning advising them in religious and worldly matters which are incumbent on them, neglecting the establishment of the penal code and the repelling of the corrupt ones away from them and forsaking their assistance.

[Fatḥul Bārī 16/634-35]

“It is possible that this is regarding the disbeliever because a believer would surely be a well-wisher.” I [ʿAllāmah ʿAynī رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ] say: “This is a far-fetched possibility and erroneous explanation as a disbeliever cannot enter Jannah even if he is a well-wisher.”

Kirmānī رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ: It means that Allāh will deem it forbidden for him initially or it is a harsh warning, or it is based on believing it to be permissible.

[ʿUmdatul Qārī 24/341]

This is warning the leaders that they will not smell the fragrance of Jannah if they oppress their subjects.

[Fayḍul Bārī 6/480]

These aḥādīth have mentioned the punishment without mentioning the extent of it and this is the method used in aḥādīth regarding warnings for reprimand purposes. Therefore, that leader will enter Jannah someday.

[Tuḥfatul Qārī 12/116]

Two interpretations for ‘Allāh will deem Paradise forbidden for him.’:

  1. If he classified it permissible, he will be denied entry.
  2. He will be denied entry with the successful ones who will enter first.

Qāḍī ʿIyāḍ رَحِمَهُ ٱللَّٰهُ: “The Prophet ﷺ has cautioned that this is among the destructive major sins which distances one from Jannah.” And Allāh knows best.

[Al-Minhāj 3/30]

The objective is to warn those who deceives the Muslims with what Allāh has entrusted him with, with regards to their worldly and religious matters by abandoning informing them what is binding on them or by forsaking them by not helping and supporting them and assisting them in fighting their enemies and all other rights they have over him.

[Lamʿātut Tanqīḥ 6/464]

He deceives them, oppresses them, deprives them of their rights and takes what is not wājib on them from them.

Allāh has deemed Jannah forbidden means: Initial entry with the successful ones, the one who considers it permissible or it is a severe warning, threat and reprimand of an evil death.

The restriction of “dying in this state” indicates that the opportunity to repent (tawbah)remains before one is in the throes of death. It is an indication to prompt those who are not well-wishers to their subjects to repent.

[Mirqāt ul Mafātīḥ 7/242]

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