In the chapter on ʿiddah, ʿAllāmah Haṣkafī and ʿAllāmah Shāmī mentioned an exception to the rule of 55 years being the age of menopause.
If a woman became bāligh by age, i.e., by passing 15 lunar years of her life, and never saw a single ḥayḍ her entire life and she reaches the age of thirty (30), the judgment of being a woman in menopause would be issued for her.
Tag: Shami
Menopause Rulings
Ḥayḍ terminates when a woman reaches the age of menopause.
Age of “losing hope” for Ḥayḍ and Nifās (i.e., Menopausal Age)
Lunar: 55 years. [Preferred Opinion]
Solar: 53 years 4 months.
Rule 1: When a woman reaches the age of 55 and her bleeding stops, the judgement of her being in menopause is passed.
Rule 2: The ʿiddah (for a divorce) of a woman who reaches the age of 55 and is no longer seeing blood is counted as 3 lunar months.
The Importance of Mastering the Masā’il of Menstruation
Through the infinite grace and assistance from Allāh Taʿālā alone, He has granted us the tawfīq to begin this task of sharing important information and masā’il regarding menses (Ḥayḍ), dysfunctional uterine bleeding (Istiḥāḍah) and lochia (Nifās) mainly sourced from “Manhal al Wāridīn”, ʿAllāmah Ibn ʿĀbidīn al-Shāmī’s رحمه الله commentary on Imām Birgivī’s رحمه الله “Dhukhrul Muta’h-hilīn”.
“The validity of many other rulings is based on this such as: ṣalāh, fasting, reading and touching the Qur’ān, iʿtikāf, entering the Masjid, ṭawāf of Ḥajj, puberty, divorce, ʿiddah, permissibility of intercourse, lineage.” [ʿAllāmah Shuranbalālī رحمه الله]